SplashData has made the annual release of most common passwords for 2014. Among 2013's most common passwords were "12345", "123123", and "111111". This list was found through analysis of over 3.3 million leaked passwords, most of which being North American and Western European accounts. It was found that of the most common passwords, a large percentage were strictly numerical, while the others represented then-modern fads and trends. 2014's list expresses the same pop culture obsession, reflected in the list below. So, without further ado, 2014's list of most common passwords!
1) 123456
2) password
3) 12345
4) 12345678
5) qwerty
6) 1234567890
7) 1234
8) baseball
9) dragon
10) football
11) 1234567
12) monkey
13) letmein
14) abc123
15) 111111
16) mustang
17) access
18) shadow
19) master
20) michael
21) superman
22) 696969
23) 123123
24) batman
25) trustno1
Source: http://goo.gl/EUG9PH by Amanda Kooser